Terms & Conditions
The Wildlife Capture Africa Trust is responsible for the organization of the Malilangwe Course in Chemical and Physical Restraint of African Wildlife held on the Malilangwe Game Reserve, Zimbabwe, in February of each year. Although the Course is hosted at the Malilangwe Wildlife Estate, and notwithstanding the official name of the Course which reflects said venue, the Malilangwe Trust is in no way involved in the administration, financial accounting or organization of the Course per se.
Wildlife capture is an inherently high-risk activity and all applicants who attend the Course and participate in Course-related activities do so entirely at their own risk and in this regard:
all applicants are to present proof of fully comprehensive medical aid and travel insurance prior to their arrival.
Candidates acknowledge that they participate in any activities associated with the Course of their own free will and in so doing accept full risk and responsibility, without any claim whatsoever on the Course or Course Organizers for any loss, injury, or death incurred during their voluntary participation.
Although the Course is accredited for the purposes of training Dangerous Drugs Licensees in Zimbabwe, attendance of the Course DOES NOT in-and-of-itself entitle any person to acquire, possess, or administer Controlled Medicines or Dangerous Drugs in Zimbabwe or any other country.
Furthermore, attendance of the Course DOES NOT automatically entitle any person to obtain a Dangerous Drugs License in Zimbabwe which requires approval of the Dangerous Drugs subcommittee of the Zimbabwe Veterinary Association Wildlife Group (ZVA-WG) and the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ).
The Course organizers reserve the right to
Amend and update the Course Itinerary, Location, Dates, and Content.
Accept or decline any application received and, subject to availability, preference will be granted to local and regional applications for the purposes of (i) accreditation of Zimbabwean Dangerous Drugs Licensees and (ii) building Wildlife Veterinary, Conservation, Welfare, and Research capacity in Africa.
Cancel any booking or expel any student from the Course for reasons of disruptive, anti-social, discriminatory, unethical, illegal, or unprofessional behavior.
Bookings will only be fully confirmed and secured upon receipt of payment in full and at that point applicants will receive booking confirmation along with a copy of the Course Study Notes and other additional information.
A limited number of sponsorships are available to support capacity-building of African Veterinarians involved in conservation work in Africa.​
Sponsorships will be in relation to Course Fees only, or a percentage thereof and will not include flights, visa fees, or travel to-and-from the Course itself.
All eligible candidates are invited to apply and applications will be considered by a Sponsorship Panel including Course Organisers and Sponsors.
Applicants are to submit strong motivation in support of their sponsorship applications and will be expected to submit the contact details of their employer and at least one 3rd party reference to be contacted by the Sponsorship Panel.
Sponsorship Applicants may be requested for an interview by the panel.
NOTE - Sponsorships are not automatic, are subject to the availability of funds, and shall be awarded at the sole discretion of the Sponsorship Panel.
Decisions of the Sponsorship Panel will be final and no correspondence or negotiation will be entered into.
​First time Zimbabwean non-veterinarians, all sponsored students, and all students requiring formal accreditation will be obliged to write the final examination. The examination is voluntary (but encouraged) for all other students.
The Final Examination is structured as follows:
Written Paper 1: General written paper – 120 marks; 120 minutes
Written Paper 2: Safety and Regulatory - 60 marks; 30 minutes
3 x 15-minute orals –
Panel A = Physiology, Pharmacology and Theory (20 marks);
Panel B = equipment and practical questions (20 marks)
Panel C = dart loading practical (10 marks).
For candidates to pass and to be accredited as being competent in the safe and legal possession and administration of Dangerous Drugs the candidate must:
achieve a sub-minimum of 65% in Written Paper 2 (Safety & Regulatory) AND
achieve an overall pass-mark determined by the Norm-Referenced Standard Method (pass mark = class average minus one standard deviation).
For all sponsored students and for all students requiring formal accreditation, the Course organizers reserve the right to share the candidate’s Examination Mark and Student Assessment with any relevant sponsor, employer, or relevant Regulatory Authority in Zimbabwe or within the candidate’s home or host country.
All logos, photos, media, documents, and information accessed on this Website as well as all Course presentations, lecture notes and study materials remain the Copyright and Intellectual Property of the Wild Capture Africa Trust and may not be used, copied, reproduced, sold, or otherwise disseminated without express written permission from Wild Capture Africa Trust.
For further information on our Terms and Conditions, please submit an Enquiry via our Contacts Page